Dear Lawrence Families,
As many of you know, the Annual Fund Drive was started years ago to solicit contributions from present and former families of Lawrence Academy to assist in the academic and physical needs of the school. For many years Lawrence has relied on monetary contributions to cover the financial expenses it is not able to cover through tuition.
Annual fund contributions are used to enhance the physical appearance of the school and improve the academic success of its students. Through your contributions, we are able to provide upgrades for the computer labs, purchase Accelerated Reader tests, refurbish buildings, and provide a more academically challenging curriculum for our students.
We continue to strive for 100% participation in our Annual Fund Drive and it is only through your help that we are able to do this. For the past few years our contribution percentage has fallen drastically. It is our hope that you will help us in bringing our contribution percentage back up to where we can once again improve the programs we offer to enhance the education of each child.
The 100% participation is not reached by the amount of money a person gives, but by the amount of people who donate. Lawrence Academy wants to continue to be an educational foundation with a safe nurturing environment that promotes the education of its students and prepares them for the future that lies ahead.
Please take a moment and consider making a contribution toward enhancing the success of the students at Lawrence Academy. It is through your generous giving that our students are able to have an experience that will prepare them for the future of their choice.