The curriculum for grades 6-8 Social Studies is designed to integrate out school mission with courses that both reinforce and challenge. Courses are taught in a structured environment designed to encourage both success and understanding about the world in which we live. The scope and sequence of middle grades Social Studies emphasizes mastery of history, world cultures and geography and worldwide current events. These are areas important for future success at the high school level and as an American citizen.
History – 6
This course covers the Ancient World and Europe and Russia. We will reach back into history and learn how their beliefs and customs have affected the modern world. We will also discover how the physical geography of each region affected the development of its early civilization.
US History – 7
This course will guide the student through the history of our country by identifying key people, events, and ideas – then connecting them to establish a core of historical knowledge that they can build of for years to come.
World Geography – 8
World geography is an overall survey of the countries and continents of the modern world. Special emphasis is placed on cultural and geographical aspects of each major country and representative region. The effects of physical geography and it relation to economics are also emphasized. Related current events and special attention to maps provide the basic world knowledge for understanding the rapid developing world news and its relationship to the United States. This course is an important introduction in providing a background for later high school social studies courses.